Notes of Cheese Imprtance
This section is for useful/useless info that I have for the dedicated
cheese fanatics. This sections will be updated when ever I have something
to relay to you, or whenever I just feel like it. So keep checking it
The Cheese Page should be going through allot of renovations in the near
future. I want to give it a complete make-over so it has a new jazzy
hip look (tm). I already have a few new sections that are un the "Under
Construction" section, and I should be adding more. <2/23.96>
It seems that as of late the cheese page has gotten a lot of visitors (I even
heard from someone that the URL to this site was mentioned in an article in
Popular Science). Because of this I am going to dedicate more of my time
to making the cheese page even cheesier! I do however have a very limited
amount of disk space (a 6M quota. Every time I compile a program for a class
I have to start deleting things!), but I am going to clear some things out
in order to make more room for cheese related topics. I may even move the
cheese page to a different location. In the works are a lot more cheese pics,
reviews of selected cheeses, and lots of other cheese related topics.
I did hear from someone about a Cheese festival in Wisconsin. If anyone
is planning on going to it I would like to get you to do a cheese-expose'
for me. You can report on the festival and bring back pictures. The info
I have so far is that it is in Little Chute, WI during the first week of
June of every year. So if anyone is going, please mail me at
Someone mailed me a while ago asking about putting a link to their
cheesecake page. I am sorry, but I accidentally deleted that mail, so it you
could just sent it again I would be happy to put a link to you! <10/10/95>
...back to the
main page...